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EV Future

Training a future generation of electric car engineers

Posted on 22/Sep/2011

Where will we find our future engineers and builders of electric cars and transportation systems?                     

Despite the slow rise and acceptance of electric vehicles and all the pointers to its eventual replacement of gasoline powered ones, there is no long term preparation of intellectual resources to meet this new paradigm in transportation and mobility. There is concern over this in many quarters. Eco car 2 is a competition based model (partnering industry and the government) in America,which apart from challenging a cluster of US universities with some hard core goals, is also hoping to stimulate and goad technical institutions worldwide to start to prepare full fledged courses and curricula in the design and development of electric vehicles for an electric generation rapidly coming of age.

This should be of prime concern for a country like India (and China) where electric vehicles can play a big role in reducing smoke and sound pollution. It also holds the potential to offer cheaper and better modes of intra city transit for its millions. Read More HERE

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