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EV Future

Riding The Rough Indian Road

Posted on 21/Mar/2011
The EVFuture team conducted an interview with the head of R&D and Quality of BSA Motors, KB Srinivasan. His ruminations on the light EV sector in India is filled with historical anecdotes and incisive analysis of the industry, government and market. It shows the road ahead for electric scooters and electric cycles in India. The first and second part of this interview is availabe on - Click here to read it.

User Comments

By Prema on 11 03, 2011We are a BSA dealer and where told for the last ONE YEAR that the new Edge model will be available "next month"...empty´s still not launched.
By Prema on 11 03, 2011We are a BSA dealer and where told for the last ONE YEAR that the new Edge model will be available "next month"...empty´s still not launched.

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